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Blogs are definitely the way that most people are enjoying the web these days because with so much content, they are a great source of information and entertainment, too. Today’s many different topic blogs all deserve to have some visitors, but if the blog owner does nothing to get those visitors then it is very likely that they will get pushed to the bottom of the pile. While there is nothing wrong with this, it can be discouraging for a blogger to realize that no one is reading what they spent so much time and effort to write up. That is why even amateur bloggers need to know that their topic blogs belong listed in a directory of blogs because this is how people get traffic to blogs. Sites that offer a directory are a great help to human visitors because they make it very simple for them to locate the kind of blog they want to read. They are also helpful because they show search engines the sites that they approve of. Since adding your blog is easy, it is a very smart idea to do so as soon as you can. Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits to being listed in a good blog directory and why it matters.
All Topic Blogs Should Do What They Can to Promote Themselves
No matter what it is that you blog about, if you really want to reach everyone interested in your particular topic then you are going to have to reach out. People do not just magically find thetopic blogs they are looking for. Usually, they will go to a blog directory or use a search engine and these search engines look at sites like blog directories to determine which topic blogs are worth including in their listings. Even photo blogs should take the time to do this because while a picture is indeed worth a thousand words, if no one is looking at those pictures then it is definitely a waste of the blogger’s time to post them up. Blogs need directories in order to remain relevant and the more you reach out to potential visitors, the more visitors will come to your site. And a certain percentage of those visitors will keep on coming back for more, too. It takes time, but eventually you will build up a reliable following who is going to appreciate what you have to offer them.
How Listing Topic Blogs is a Blog Directory Works to Bring in Visitors
A good directory will allow you to list your blog quite easily through a very simple process. There is nothing strange you need to do. You simply tell them where your blog is located and a little bit about what it is focused on. Today’s topic blogs will generally try to cover a specific niche and some examples of that might be pet care or travel experiences or food reviews, but the possibilities really are endless and that is what makes the blogosphere so exciting for blog surfers. Once your listing is in place, you will then begin to receive traffic as people who come to the directory get a sense of what all you have to offer. Do not feel that your blog has to meet any certain kind of criteria because variety is the spice of life and it is also the spice of the web. However, this kind of directory listing can definitely help you achieve a much wider audience you might otherwise never have picked up.
Even Personal Blogs Benefit From Getting More People to Come Hang Out
As mentioned earlier, blogs come in all shapes and sizes. You do not have to be a big star to run a blog, nor do you have to focus on a specific subject matter if you don’t want to. Many people just like to express their thoughts and engage others in conversations online. This is perfectly fine and blogs of a personal nature do well in these directories, too. After all, we are all interested in people and how they live their lives so if you are willing to share a more personal side of yourself using your blog you are bound to get visitors, too.
Many Blog Categories Can Use New Blogs That You Might Be Able to Start
If you have not yet started a blog because you wondered where you would find visitors, a directory could be the answer you have been waiting for. Have a look around and see if any categories are lacking in blogs. If they are and you feel you could blog about that topic – go for it. You might just get yourself a great audience for your efforts.
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MOSCOW, March 21 (Marc Bennetts, RIA Novosti) – A criminal investigation into comments made by a Moscow-based blogger ahead of a protest against Vladimir Putin's March 4 election victory have stoked fears of a clampdown on online dissent.
This is a dangerous precedent, said Alexander Morozov, a popular blogger and head of Moscow's Center for Media Studies think-tank. It is the first swallow of spring.
In his February 27 post Babchenko said Moscow protesters should be ready to occupy the centre of the city and, most importantly, hold it if they wanted to see a Russia without Putin. We need a Maidan, he said, in reference to the square occupied by protesters during Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution.
But in a more than 1,500-word post, he also stressed that it was important to avoid violence and plunging the country into civil war.
Babchenko was writing a week before scores of protesters were detained by police after refusing to disperse following the end of an approved opposition rally on March 5. Babchenko was among those arrested.
The initial complaint against Babchenko was made by Public Chamber member Boris Yakemenko, whose brother, Vasily, ishead of Russia'sFederal Youth Agency.
Babchenko accused Yakemenko on his Live Journal account on Tuesday of lies and distorting his comments. Yakemenko declined to comment when contacted by RIA Novosti.
Pro-Putin public figures have a very great temptation to file charges and call for investigations now – and this is something they will certainly do, Morozov said. We could now see courts flooded with complaints that bloggers are inciting social discord.
While Russia's major television channels are all state-controlled and frequently accused of pro-government bias, the Internet has provided a fertile ground for the discussion of political themes taboo in mainstream media, connecting people across a vast territory that extends across nine time zones.
It was also used by protest leaders to publicize and organize the series of mass demonstrations that hit Moscow and other cities this winter in the wake of December's disputed parliamentary polls. VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, said security officials had asked the company to deactivate accounts belonging to opposition groups after the initial protests. It refused to do so, citing political neutrality.
A lot of people who use the Internet in Russia are members of the middle class, who have decided that they can use the web to discuss political problems, said Moscow-based security analyst Andrei Soldatov. But this could be a signal for them to forget about their activism.
Bloggers in Russia's regions have faced criminal charges in the past but they have usually been given suspended sentences and the like, he went on. But no one knows how the situation might change now – we are talking about Moscow and a relatively well-known person here.
But Oleg Kozyriev, a media analyst and influential blogger, suggested Russia's Internet community was unlikely to be frightened into silence.
I don't think this will scare Russia bloggers, he said. It's not as easy to pressure the blogging community of thousands of people as it is business and the mainstream media.
He also defended Babchenko's comments.
There was nothing terrible in his words, he said. He simply wanted people to express their civic position on the square.
Marketing research company ComScore ranked Russia first in Internet users among 18 European countries surveyed last September with 51 million users. Germany was second.
The Internet is very important in Russia, said Anton Nosik, pioneer of the Russian web and media director of SUP, the company that owns Live Journal. It's also important that no one has ever been indicted for calling for mass disorder online.
So Yakemenko is trying to force the country into a new reality here, he went on. One in which the crime of thought is punishable – where personal opinion is considered a crime.
Cases are investigated and handled on an individual basis, he said.
As for Babchenko, he pointed out on Wednesday in his Live Journal account that the number of people wishing to friend him online had rocketed after the charges were brought.
There are simply a monstrous amount of extremists in our country, he wrote.
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Noelle’s Fierce Self Styling
SFUnzipped is pleased unveil our second Blogger Spotlight, our new bimonthly Wednesday feature exploring and celebrating fashion and personal style bloggers from across the Bay Area.
NM: Tell us in a couple of words about your inspiration and the beginning of Fashion FiXxation. The blog started off initially as a personal venture, right? 攻击服务器,入侵伟码库,为何黑客勒索非要比特币作为赎金 ...:2021-5-30 · 自中本聪发明比特币伡来,比特币就被用作多种用途,甚至将比特币支付作为勒索的方式,近期出现了哪些勒索比特币事件呢?为什么黑客勒索要 ...
NB: Initially I started Fashion FiXxation as a way to stay connected to the fashion industry while working in San Francisco. But very quickly it turned into something so much more than just a creative outlet for me.
I was lucky enough to get a job two weeks after graduating from college with one of the top crisis PR firms in the country. I was thrilled because it was an opportunity to get some real-world PR experience, and work for incredibly talented and respected PR executives. But after some time, the passion and excitement for the work I was doing had completely gone. Mainly because I realized I had acquired all these PR skills but no longer was excited about the clients with whom I was working. On top of that, I had allowed myself to give up on the one thing that had always brought joy and inspiration into my life: fashion. So, I started my fashion blog as a means to remain up to date on the fashion industry.
Representing Ghana at the TWELV Magazine party in a design by the D. Piper Twins
NM: You have a lot of different categories that cover a wide range of topics. What sets you apart from other bloggers?
NB: If I were to just put up pictures of me posing in outfits, I would leave way too much unsaid. Fashion for me is so much more than the clothes I wear on a daily basis. I have worked really hard to distinguishmyself from other bloggers by giving my readers a multitude of categories of interest to choose from.
I love the fact that on my blog a reader will find a piece detailed coverage of my daily outfits to events on a trip to my family's native Accra, Ghana; a story on Chinese model Liu Wen and the hardships Asian and other ethnic models face in the industry; a post on how to get Rihanna's neo-punk look at an affordable price; and one of my personal favorites The Larger Implications Behind Burberry's Use of African Fabric, which delves into big=name designerstaking snippets of African culture when its trendy, rebranding it tribal and effectively disenfranchising the many African designers who truly appreciate African fabrics, understand their history, and create incredibly artful masterpieces. I want my site to represent not only my genuine interest in putting clothes together and mixing elements from various style genres; but also function as a platform to discuss some of the harsh realities of the industry.
NM: You also run a great vlog, The Belle Noelle. Can you tell us a bit about that?
NB: I have family all over the world (mainly London and Ghana) and it started off as a way to help my fabulous twentysomething female cousins expand their makeup looks beyond basic black eyeliner and mascara. I figured the best way to do it was through the mega vlog site, YouTube. It really started as a way to teach my loved ones different looks, to not be afraid of color and most of all to 比特加速器修改vip时长.
I also felt it was important for anyone that viewed my videos to understand that no matter what skin color you have, as long as you have the right technique, a good brush and MAC makeup (there are lots of other amazing brands, I'm just a MAC freak), you can do anything with makeup. Don't allow any salesperson to pigeonhole you into wearing just one color, or tell you a particular color best for your skin tone. If they say any of those things to you, walk out because they're not strong enough makeup artists to recognize the endless possibilities with makeup on your face!
NM: Inspiring and empowering, I'll be sure to bear that in mind next time I saunter through the cosmetics hall! What pushed you into blogging as opposed to other routes?
NM: You've gotten greatopportunities(such as covering NYFW!) while building up your business and your image as a fierce fashionista, how do you make sure you are in the right place at the right time? What advice would you give to fledgling fashion bloggers?
NB: I got the opportunity to attend shows through working for 比特加速器修改vip时长. My latest venture, I function asthe PR director for the magazine startup.
At Lincoln Center for the F/W 2012 collections.
I wasn't officially covering NYFW this February for anyone other than my blog fans. I was so excited to finally be in Lincoln Center and in the middle of all the action that I couldn't help but blog about my daily outfits, events and the overall festivities.
I do believe in life timing is everything. But I believe even more that when you have a goal or passion for something, you go after it with razor focus and don't shy away from exhausting yourself to achieve that goal. Then, you take a second to recognize any remaining distractions or people in your life that are not helping to advance you toward that goal, you fine-tune that focus even more, and then work twice as hard.
This being said, I there's still so much that I want to achieve and to get there I know I have to work extremely hard, believe in the process and take comfort in the fact that intrinsically I feel I'm on the right track.
NM: Do you have a couple of quick words on the magazine?
NB: It's a high-fashion magazine headed by renowned stylist Hissa Igarashi and set to launch this coming May, which we are very excited about. Keep your eyes peeled as we promise to become the new manual for what is hip in fashion, music, art and culture worldwide. Oh, and did I mention 12% of ad sales will go to charity!
NM: This being said, blogging isn't all fun and games right? What is the biggest challenge you face with online fashion blogging and why?
NB: The biggest challenge I face isn't so much the blogging, but staying on top of all the social media to support my site and bring in new followers. My Twitter game needs help! I am the first one to admit it! I'm on Facebook as well, so it's just a matter of keeping it fresh and regular.
NM: Back to the fashion perks, what have been your favorite events or appearances?
Pictured with Edwing D'Angelo and Margaux Whitney from the dynamic viola and violin duo Charly and Margaux at his S/S 2012 collection
Another great event I attended was in Ghana this December for the editor of Italian Vogue, Franca Sozzani. Held at one of Accra's best Italian restaurants Bella Roma. Ghana's fashion elite like Aisha Obuobi of Christie Brown and Belinda Baidoo, a Ghanaian supermodel, all came out to meet the famous editor. Ms. Sozzani's son, Francesco Carrozzini, who shoots for many of the top fashion magazines, was also there. She gave a short speech about how inspired she was by the Ghanaian fashion industry, and how Italian Vogue would definitely be an ally to Ghanaians and all Africans in the future.
NB: The thing I love most about fashion is that it allows me to express many aspects of my personality. I don't have one style; I like to tap into many different ways of dressing. Some days I feel like a total tomboy and wear sagging skinny jeans (shoutout to my Cali boys), an oxford and scuffed boots or sneakers. Other days I feel like a diva and rock a tight mini dress, sky-high heels, vintage jewelry and a vibrant lip color. And other times the boho in me comes out and I throw on lots of beaded bracelets, a long flowing skirt, minnetonkas and comfortable sweater. It all just depends on how I feel that day.
In general the brands I wear most are BCBG, BCBG and more BCBG with splashes of French Connection, American apparel, HM, Sam Edelman, and Rachel by-Rachel Roy.
NB: [laughs] I wouldn't say that I have an empire yet by any means, but I definitely plan on continuing to build my brand and take advantage of opportunities that come my way. I am always looking for advertisers on my blog, I am excited about the work that is being done at TWELV Magazineand I also want to start functioning as a PR consultant to designers and/or fashion related ventures both in the US and in Ghana.
In the future I want to have my own fashion PR company comprised of incredibly talented designersfrom all over the world that are lookingto become powerhouses in international markets.
I plan on paying particular attention to African designers that to date have not received the due recognition for their talent for a multitude of reasons. Issues of access to product, product availability, lack of management, failing to fall in line with international buyers schedules, lack of representation at important fashion events including fashion weeks, celebrity placement, etc…I plan to become the bridge that providesthe necessary supportand helps solve those issues.
If you would like to nominate a blog for the SFUnzippedBlogger Spotlight, send us an e-mail with a couple of your favorite posts from their blog.
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As Pope Benedict prepares to visit Cuba next week, a dissident blogger says the trip is a good time to showcase the real situation in the island nation.
In an exclusive interview with Voice of America, the Cuban blogger said Internet access is still a major problem on the island and explains how she manages to update her blog and tweets current events, which has made her famous in the social media world.
VOA: How is the country preparing for Pope Benedict's visit after several member of the Ladies in White (an opposition movement consisting of wives and female relatives of jailed dissidents) were detained?
Sanchez: For the ‘backyard' Catholics, the ones on the island, it will be a good moment for them as they meet their pastor, a kind of jubilee for the community as the 400th anniversary of Our Lady of Charity approaches. But politically and socially it will not transcend beyond what happened during Pope John Paul's (II) visit in 1998, which only had an impact on the public awareness. I think Benedict's trip is more spiritual-focused.
However, the island will experience days of international scrutiny, where many journalists, pilgrims and people from outside will come for the event. It's a good opportunity to show them the real Cuba; to report what is actually happening. We will become a showcase, where activists, bloggers and Twitter users have the responsibility to show the real side of the country and not official one.
VOA: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) will hold an event this Wednesday in Washington to show how the Internet and social networks operate in Cuba. Many believe it is difficult for Cubans to freely access unmonitored web pages. What can you tell us about that?
Sanchez: From my experience, having access to information and technology are fundamental for a free country. A person who holds a flash memory and has access to at least a minute of internet can change his or her life. That makes that citizen more empowered, more aware of his rights, perhaps more likely to speak up because he doesn't like what is happening. I think in order to help Cubans is necessary to empower them technologically, so that they can become 21-century internet users. Because without it, we will not become more democratic; we will not be free.
VOA: How do you do your work without economic resources?
Sanchez: I started an online blog five years ago called Generación Y (Y Generation) and one of the biggest problems I encounter every week is free internet access to update texts and pictures. It's my little virtual space. The Cuban government does not allow average citizens to obtain a household internet connection and interact online. That is a privilege destined for foreign residents in our national territory, and for politically reliable people.
In my case, if I want to connect from a hotel the prices are astronomical, a click here and there have to be done fast because every minute that passes harms me economically. I do that once a week or every ten days.
I write several articles from my house and when I manage to get connected, I scheduled the posts to give the impression my blog is alive, although I’m not connected at that moment.
But other Cubans get online access in the early morning hours through accounts they buy in the black market, but that has many risks.
VOA: Reports say the Cuban minimum-wage is very low and you have said it's expensive to have internet access. How do you do it? Do you receive any funding? What are the medium costs for the average Cuban to get internet access in a hotel and browse for few minutes each week?
Sanchez: In my case, I try to take advantage of the all the time I’m not online to arrange texts and photos correctly, so when I finally get access to look around the web, I do it as quickly as possible.
But thanks to the solidarity of many people in the world, we are able to have internet access. And also people who read our posts in other parts of the world, recharge our phones, which allow us to tweet. This is quite an interesting period on how Cubans have access to social networks.
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Monday night Google posted an refurbish on a Google Webmaster blog named Upcoming changes in Google's HTTP Referrer.
It read:
Starting in April, for browsers with a suitable support, we will be regulating a “referrer” meta tab to automatically facilitate a referring URL that is sent by a browser when visiting a page related from an organic hunt result. This formula in a faster time to outcome and some-more streamlined believe for a user.
Very treacherous – we thought, because would Google wish to tag organic hunt trade as approach referrer traffic? Is that a remoteness thing? Okay, don’t pass keyword data, that we stopped doing given Google defaulted to SSL search. But now to take divided a believe of a trade entrance from hunt vs a approach hit? Really?
You can review how confused we were about this on Google+.
Danny Sullivan reached out to Google for some-more sum and got some-more information for his story named "How A Google Change May Mistakenly Turn Search Traffic Into Referral Traffic".
(2) Google Analytics will automatically adjust to make certain this trade is not labeled as approach trade though rather hunt traffic.
(3) Google will promulgate to other Analytics companies about a change in wish they adjust their program as well.
The emanate here is, of my Google organic traffic, 33% of it is from Chrome users. And Google sends this site about 90% of it’s hunt trade overall. we am already blank 30%+ of my keyword information due to a (not provided) emanate with SSL search.
Yea, Google has keyword information in Webmaster Tools, though it is not enough.